The Infamous Hard Alley

The Infamous Hard Alley
Second Life's Original Sin

Monday, January 17, 2011

First New Porn Film of 2011!

After a break of over 4 months, Candace and I have returned to the business of producing SL Adult Films.

Our latest move is called "Serving it up HOT!".  Candace stars as Candy, a waitress that dreams of becoming a famous porn star someday. Until then, she serves up hot meals and hot sex in the sleaziest Diner in Hard Alley...


We hope you enjoy it.  We enjoyed making it.  We're currently developing other movie ideas and hope to have our next out in a few weeks.


Quinn Ying said...

Great story, so funny, teasing and convincing!!! Hot sex scenes and editing, a real pro work ;)

Anonymous said...

We really took a 4 month break?! Holy crap! I thought it was only like 2 months or something like that. Time flies!

Ehl said...

I loved it! I can't wait to see more from ya'll :)

Rayven Baily said...

You mother trucker!