The Infamous Hard Alley

The Infamous Hard Alley
Second Life's Original Sin

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Retroville Welcomes You!

It's been a long time, almost a year, but Hard Alley's Retroville opened January 30 with a huge party that packed the sim with 60-70 people for nearly 3 hours!  Be sure to come by and start some fun, fifties Roleplay today!  DJ Spirit will be hosting "Fifties Friday" parties every Friday night from 7-9PM SL time!  Lots of fun 50s events planned, and 50s attire is easy to find at one of the many retailers in the sim!  Join the fun!  Hope to see you there!

Here are some images from the sim taken from Spirit Eleonara's Flickr stream.

Ms. Spirit in the window of the Death Row District strip club
Kei and Jojo performing at the Dark Carnival
Ms. Spirit getting ready to take some boudoir pics of Ms. Dita Lamour
Ms. Spirit and Ms. Jaded relaxing on the beach
Ms. Dizzy and Ms. Gia in a kinky photoshoot at Studio Haute Demure
Ms. Spirit explores the Tomorrow Exhibit at the Museum
Ms. Spirit enjoys a tender moment with a greaser at the Drive-In

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Opening Soon! Retroville!


We are pleased to announce that after 9 months of planning, design, and building, Hard Alley's Retroville will officially open on Friday, Jan 30 at 7PM SL time!  We will be celebrating with a 50's party in the new Hard Alley Social Club!  Everyone is invited!

It's taken a lot of hard work by some very hard working, talented people like builders Jaimy Hancroft, Tito DeVinna, and McChris Flanagan, and support and planning by Spirit, Jade and the Hard Alley staff, but we think you are going to love it!  I know I do!

Take a peek below at some teaser pics taken and edited by Spirit Eleonara.

Spirit and Hard rest for a moment in the Hard Alley Social Club
Spirit serves up a tasty treat in the Do Wop Diner
Spirit checks out the dinosaur at the Museum
Spirit off to work at Lynden Labs.
What fun, progressive times are these when women can find gainful
employment as secretaries at such prestigious institutions!